
Webinar: Digital Tools for Trauma and PTSD Recovery


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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is correlated with substantial healthcare costs – on average, those with Medicaid face $18,753 per year in direct healthcare costs, and those with private insurance spend $10,024 annually. These PTSD-related costs are driven by greater mental health and chronic pain comorbidity, higher utilization of mental health resources, and increased emergency department and inpatient visits.

In this National Council for Behavioral Health webinar, you will hear from nationally-recognized expert Dr. Julia Hoffman and her colleague, Rebecca Newman, who explore digital, evidence-based resources that support people who have experienced all manners of trauma. Livongo for Behavioral Health by myStrength helps individuals improve health literacy around trauma, supports people who experience distressing thoughts and feelings after trauma, and encourages treatment engagement. To support the high prevalence of mental and physical comorbidities, these trauma recovery resources are also integrated with personalized myStrength support for substance use disorders, depression, insomnia, anxiety and more.

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